Tack Coat Enhances Paving Performance

Tack Coat Enhances Paving Performance

Applying tack coat when installing an overlay or new pavement is an economical way to enhance the durability of asphalt pavement. However, the use of tack coat is often not completely understood by those who are not involved with the asphalt industry. Here are a few facts that you need to […]

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Pavement Wear & Tear

There is an old saying that if you take care of the small things, you may never need to deal with the “big things.” There is a great deal of truth in this statement whether you are trying to keep a home looking its best, ensuring that your car is […]

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Asphalt Paving Dilemmas

Most people do not deal with Asphalt Paving Dilemmas on a daily basis, so many of them are not sure how to care for their pavement to maximize their return on the investment. There are often questions that arise when seeking to repair, maintain or reconstruct asphalt pavement. The following […]

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Trusted Asphalt Paving Contractors

Asphalt pavement is remarkably durable when installed and maintained properly. However, if you want to get the maximum life from your asphalt investment, it is important to hire a trustworthy contractor. Whether you are installing a new driveway or having sealant applied to your parking lot, the wrong contractor can […]

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Parking Lot Safety, Cape Cod

What do you think of when you consider parking lot safety? For many people, the words merely serve as a reminder to lock their vehicles, store valuable items in the trunk or park in a remote area to avoid dents in their car doors. However, parking lots are potentially hazardous […]

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Snow Conditions on Your Asphalt Parking Lot

Some people consider the first snowfall of the season to be a near-magical event whether they awaken to find an unbroken blanket of snow or watch the flakes fall until the ground is covered. Most people have at least some reaction to a heavy snowfall; you might be enthralled by […]

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Why Asphalt Pavement In Cape Cod Is Cost-Effective

Paving contractors are often asked to compare the benefits of asphalt pavement with other paving materials. Although asphalt pavement offers a number of environmental benefits, most customers are more concerned with whether asphalt or concrete will save them the most money. The short answer is that asphalt pavement is by […]

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Prioritize Crack Repair To Maintain Asphalt Maintenance

Cape Cod winters are typically not as severe as in many other inland locations, but if there is one thing that long-time residents have learned, it is that predicting winter weather is impossible. However, the overnight temperatures average below freezing for four months out of the year, and these same […]

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Sealcoating, Asphalt Resurfacing or Repaving?

As durable as asphalt pavement is, it is not going to retain its pristine beauty for eternity. It may suffer from cracks, water penetration, potholes or fading. Having cracks repaired as soon as they occur can help extend the life of your pavement, but the time will come when you […]

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Why Potholes Are Hazardous to Your Pavement’s Health

If you want to annoy your visitors and expose yourself to potential lawsuits, allow your asphalt pavement to become ravaged by potholes. At best, drivers are going to wince and think unkind thoughts when they encounter a pothole. At worst, their cars will be damaged, and they will hold you […]

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